
Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Louis Le Prince's 16-lens camera (LPCC Type-16) is made in the United States and the film Man Walking Around A Corner is filmed using it this year.


  • Man Walking Around A Corner, directed by Louis Le Prince. The oldest known film.

Filmed in Paris before 18 August 1887.(corner rue Bochard de Saron and Avenue Trudaine. (IXth arrondissement) and sent per post from Paris where he was at this moment, to his wife in New-York City. Letter private collection). Information from Pfend Jacques's Book:Louis Aime Augustin Leprince, Pioneer of the Moving Picture, and His Family (57200 Sarreguemines/France)

The next step back to pre-date this would be Eadweard Muybridge's use of multiple cameras to capture motion in stop-motion photographs in 1878 through the early 1880s, and using his zoopraxiscope, a device for projecting motion pictures in 1879.

The next step back to pre-date Muybridge's work is a projector with a turning glass disc created by Franz von Uchatius in 1853, which projected a very short repetitive moving picture similar to the repetitive moving picture toy, the phenakistoscope of 1828, but now on screen.

The next step back to pre-date Uchatius' work are glass slide photographs made by William and Frederick Langenheim in 1850, and using their Stereopticon, a device for projecting these slide shows which they presented to audiences for an admission price of 10 cents a show. People could view realistic photographs with nature, history, and science themes. At first, the shows used random images, but over time, the projectionists began to place the slides in logical order, creating a narrative.

The next step back to pre-date the Langenheim brothers' work is the photographic process created by Louis Daguerre in 1839 called daguerreotype. Followed 2 years later by an improved photographic process created by William Henry Fox Talbot in 1841 called calotype.

The next step back to pre-date Daguerre's work is a theory of moving images presented by Peter Mark Roget in 1824 called Persistence of Vision. This theory helped advance experiments to scientifically prove that a frame rate of less than 16 frames per second (frame/s) caused the mind to see flashing images. Audiences still interpret motion at rates as low as ten frames per second or slower (as in a flip book), but the flicker caused by the shutter of a film projector is distracting below the 16-frame threshold. A modern theatrical film runs at 24 frames a second. This is the case for both physical film and digital cinema systems. Roget's consideration of the illusion of motion was an early catalyst for moving pictures, and influenced the development of the visual illusion, moving picture, toys of the Thaumatrope, the Phenakistiscope, the Zoetrope, the Praxinoscope, and Flip Books which would influence development of camera and projection of those moving images by the important inventors of Louis Le Prince, Thomas Edison, and the Lumière brothers.


Notable film makers and actors who were born in 1887:

  • January 11 - Monte Blue, American actor (died 1963)
  • January 13 - Gabriel Gabrio, French actor (died 1946)
  • January 21 - André Andrejew, Russian-born French set designer (died 1967)
  • February 16 - Kathleen Clifford, American actress (died 1962)
  • March 24 - Roscoe Arbuckle, American actor and comedian (died 1933)
  • April 12 - Harold Lockwood, American actor (died 1918)
  • April 23 - JenÅ' Törzs, Hungarian actor (died 1946)
  • May 1 - Kurt Vespermann, German actor (died 1957)
  • May 18 - Jeanie MacPherson, American actress and screenwriter (died 1946)
  • May 21 - Mabel Taliaferro, American actress (died 1979)
  • May 30 - Paulette Noizeux, French actress (died 1971)
  • June 1 - Clive Brook, British actor (died 1974)
  • June 16 - Aage Bendixen, Danish actor (died 1973)
  • July 17 - Jack Conway, American film director and producer (died 1952)
  • August 1 - Anthony Coldeway, American screenwriter (died 1963)
  • August 5 - Reginald Owen, British actor (died 1972)
  • August 10 - Sam Warner, American film mogul (died 1927)
  • August 14 - Marija Leiko, Latvian film actress (died 1937)
  • September 26 - Antonio Moreno, Spanish-born American actor (died 1967)
  • September 30 - Lil Dagover, German actress (died 1980)
  • October 5 - Manny Ziener, German actress (died 1972)
  • November 9 - Gertrude Astor, American actress (died 1977)
  • November 23 â€" Boris Karloff, English actor (died 1969)
  • December 9 - Tim Moore, American actor (died 1958)
  • December 23 - John Cromwell, American actor, producer and director (died 1979)
  • Unknown - Frank Urson, American film director and cinematographer (died 1928)

External links

  • Man Walking Around A Corner - amateur remastering of all 16 frames on YouTube
  • "Man Walking Around A Corner - 16 individual frames". Flickr. Archived from the original on 2013-07-13. Retrieved 2009-06-04. 

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